Merry Christmas to all
The club has had an awesome year thanks to you… the club members. We have really taken the club to new heights. The club rides have been all over the province and the numbers of members were at an all time high. Thank you everyone for making your club what it is with your membership. December is now here and the little snow has extended the ride season for some of us. I for one enjoy riding this time of year and appreciate the new scenery as the trees have all changed and a white blanket now covers the forest. The club is working on plans for 2025 and we already have a tentative ride schedule out. It’s looking like another great ride season next year. The trail work will be ongoing next year as well as the development of better grooming methods to improve the condition of the trails.
I’m still working on recruiting board members and getting the volunteers organized so we can better utilize their efforts. If you have some extra time, consider being a board member and help run the club to make it even better. Don’t worry about not knowing what to do as we will train you and help you every step of the way. The board members are here for each other and our members.
January first is the beginning of the new membership year but don’t wait until then to join the club. Our membership is now open for the 2025. It’s a great gift to give to anyone and is only $20. Get your membership now at Join Our Club – Belair ATV Club
In close I would like to wish everyone
Belair ATV Club